Sunday, October 28, 2012

Paper Proposal

The treatment of the Native Americans by the White Man mirrors the infamous Holocaust of the Jews in innumerable, terrifying ways. This did not happen by accident however. Few people know that Hitler actually designed much of his final solution around the treatment of the Native Americans, and that his success was dwarfed by the United States horrifying conquest.

I will draw connections between each extermination, showing the surreal similarities between the two. I will compare and contrast each step of both stories, and I will research Hitler's writings, as well as the writings of our own countries, and I hope (actually for the sake of humanity I hope I don't, but for the sake of my paper I hope) to find even more similarities. I will also look into the fact that Hitler actually said that he was panning to mirror the extermination of the Native Americans.

It seems to me that this topic has either not been researched enough, or that research has not been publicized enough. It is absolutely essential that everyone know the truth of thee matters, both because history has a habit of repeating itself, and because it is their history. If my hypothesis proves true, our entire country is built on a foundation of the bones from a holocaust even more devastating than the Shoah.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dear Mr. President

Dear President Obama,

I realize that you are quite a busy man, especially at this point in your campaign, and I sincerely thank you for your time spent reading this letter. I do not want to take to much of that time however, so I will get right to the point. I am sure that you are fully aware that the United States of America is in somewhat of an economical crisis. This crisis, as I am sure you well know, was caused by the burst of the banking bubble in 2008. Well, that is the apparent cause, but I watched this documentary for my class a few days ago, and it showed how in actuality a long series of events dating back all the way to the seventies has led to this point. The film is called Inside Job, you should check it out. But I am sure you are already quite aware of everything it has to say.

To be quite honest with you, the film infuriated me, and almost made me ashamed to be an American. To hear these awful stories of rich bankers and politicians making terrible decisions for the country in order to make the next quick buck so that they can enjoy another yacht, rent a Lamborghini, and entertain a $1,000 prostitute makes me sick to the stomach. And to see that these men walked out of it, there own personal fortune bulging at the seams while the rest of the country struggles to make ends meet, makes me want to break things.The systematic corruption of the United States has gotten so bad. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And so I ask you Mr. President, what do you plan to do about it?

Why should I vote for you, Mr. Obama? What have you done to fix this issue? I do not see much. What do you plan to do? Why do you deserve another for years? And I do not want to hear why I should not vote for Romney, I do not want to hear how he will just irritate the problem. I do not want to hear any more about Bain Capitol. I want to hear about you Mr. President. I am done with this smear campaign. Not to say that you are the only one guilty of this, all politicians are. But with all due respect sir, where is the Change you campaigned under four years ago? Was that just the catchy campaign slogan that all of the conservatives at my school said it was? Or is there something more to you? Can we still Hope? Can we still chant 'Yes we can?' Show me that you are different, Mr. Obama. Get rid of the smear campaign, stop telling me why Romney would make a terrible president, and tell me exactly what you intend to do to fix the economy that I am about to be born into as a fledgeling adult. Only then will you earn my vote.

Thank you again for your time. With Hope,

-Joshua Huetter

P.S. This song was originally directed at President Bush. Please explain to me how it does not apply to you as well.